A long while ago I wrote a package that is intended as a tiny wrapper around MKL’s sparse matrix-vector products. The write up was pretty decent back then, so let’s backdate it and give it a decent place here!

There original code can be found in this repo.

The problem

A while ago I was working on huge sparse matrices in straight ray tomography. I was trying to Monte Carlo sample a system of equations that comptuted the dot product between a CSR matrix and a NumPy vector. I noticed that SciPy’s dot operator for this is not multithreaded in the SciPy implementation, which was quite painful perfomance-wise. I needed to do millions of evaluations, and running these multiplications on a single thread while my workstation at the time had 18 cores felt a bit silly.

Enter MKL, a software product from Intel. It implements a bunch of linear algebra (and other stuff) accelerations for Intel processors. Within MKL, the operation for this sparse-dense product does exist as:

mkl_cspblas_?csrgemv(const char *transa , const MKL_INT *m , const float *a , const MKL_INT *ia , const MKL_INT *ja , const float *x , float *y );

The function itself is deprecated as off the time of writing, MKL giving the preference to Inspector-Executor type calls.However, for typical large sparse float type matrices, the implementation in my repo works fine, and is actually much faster than SciPy’s.

The implementation is based off of this StackOverflow answer, with some logic for performing both float32 and float64 general matrix-vector products.

Getting it to work

Now, if you are like me, you don’t typically like working with compilers, inclusing variables and dynamic libraries. I promise though, setting this up isn’t a pain.

First make sure that the MKL libraries are properly installed and accesible from the shell where you will execute your Python script/notebook/interactive session. If you’ve installed MKL in /opt/intel (the default) this easily done using:

export INTEL_COMPILERS_AND_LIBS=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux
source $INTEL_COMPILERS_AND_LIBS/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64

Now simply put the mkl_interface.py file from the repo in the directory where you will run your program such that you can import it in the following way:

from mkl_interface import sparse_gemv

and use the function sparse_gemv(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix A, numpy.ndarray x) from anywhere. Be mindful that the precision of A is used to perform the matrix-vector product, i.e. x is implicitly converted (its type will probably be altered outside the function scope too).

How fast is it?

The implementaiton performace is tested for both ‘tall’ (more rows) and ‘fat’ (more columns) matrices, but perfomance for both MKL and SciPy implementations is affected neglegibly. The common denominator for perfomance is precision (float size), percentage of non-zero elements (sparsity) and total non-zero elements. A test can be seen below on randomly generated sparse matrices.


Results generated on a 18-core 128gb workstation. Execution times should be seen as relative, as each test is run 50 times. Error bars are due to varying shapes of matrices (tall, fat, square, but all with same number of elements (rows × columns).

Clearly, the MKL implementation should not always be favoured over SciPy’s native one. The high overhead of the MKL implementation (mainly acquiring pointers and extra memory) does mean that for small problems, SciPy’s implementation is more efficient. For any high dimension, MKL should be favourable.

It should be noted that the tests performed in this repo are limited in size due to the random sparse matrix generator for SciPy, which ran out of memory on a 128gb system for a matrix size of 10⁸ total elements.

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